KCRW Broadcast 543

Fanatic! Our last show for August! September will be great for new records. Since it's on eBay for pre-sale, I can tell you about it here. Mr. Mike Patton never sleeps and has a new album coming out in mid-Sept. It's Mike & Jean-Claude Vannier, an album called Corpse Flower. I got a copy a few days ago and we will be starting it on our Sept. 15 show.

For our first hour, we have a great Punk Rock jam session. At the beginning of our second our, we will pay our last visit to Mr. Bogert and his frogs for the year.

Here's a cool record to check out: Hammered Hulls

A new band on Dischord. We have tracks starting soon. Alec MacKaye is in a band again. Check out the line-up. So cool.

We are working away on our September shows, so get ready, they're going to be great.

I played this album last night, it was great.

Have a great week and STAY FANATIC!!!

–– Henry


