KCRW Broadcast 488

Fanatic! From the roasting urban sprawl of Los Angeles, hello.

I don’t know if you were at Zebulon the last two nights for the Keiji Haino / Peter Brötzmann duo shows. I got my tickets in February. I was going to do my best not to miss these shows. The first night was really good, last night was fantastic. It was as if on the second night, Haino was making a soundtrack for Brötzmann to work in and the results were incredible. So glad I was able to see them play. I had been looking forward to these shows since I got the tickets.

Tonight, a great show, with a cool second hour. You might have heard about the new Coltrane album of unreleased tracks from 1963 called Both Directions at Once: The Lost Album. Well, Fanatic, we’re going to listen to the whole thing. It’s excellent and I think it’s a perfect bit of August listening for us.

Here’s a write up.

Oh yeah, last night I ran into our good pal and sonic ally John Dwyer. His new album Smote Reverser is great. Preorder that cool color vinyl here.

It’s a great show and we hope you dig it.

Don’t forget your fluids and STAY FANATIC!!!
–– Henry

Twitter: @henryrollins
Instagram: HenryandHeidi

