Family Justice




On this episode... two stories about crime hitting close to home. A man's evil plan takes an ironic turn and a Brooklyn dad hits the streets and launches an investigation into the case of his kid's stolen Yorkie dog. (This episode originally aired on July 27, 2012.)

Comic Jackie Kashian brings us the story of her Uncle. He was always the black sheep of the family, probably even more than anyone realized. When he hatches murderous plot to get out of debt, he's only foiled by his own stupidity, and the gavel of family justice falls hard.

Jackie Kashian is a comic who lives in Los Angeles. She has a podcast called The Dork Forest.

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Then... Ed Herbstman, a former New York City police officer now living in Brooklyn, goes back into "cop mode" to track down "Sumo," his kid's little dog. Ed and his wife Melanie Hoopes tell the charming and hilarious story of four days spent chasing down leads and anonymous tips, running stakeouts and grilling witnesses. Produced by Wendy Dorr and Bob Carlson.

Here's a short video of Sumo shot by Ed and Melanie's son:





Bob Carlson, Wendy Dorr