Writer-director Ed Zwick has seen the highs and lows of Hollywood in his decades-long career. He reached the pinnacle, winning a Best Picture Oscar as producer of Shakespeare in Love, and also directed many other acclaimed films including Glory, Legends of The Fall, and About Last Night. Then there’s his storied TV career. In addition to co-creating the highly regarded TV dramas Thirtysomething and Once and Again, he served as an Executive Producer on the bracingly ahead of its time early ‘90s teen drama My So-Called Life. But Zwick was no stranger to box office failures as he explains in his memoir Hits, Flops, and Illusions: My Fortysomething Years in Hollywood. Zwick tells The Treatment that he learned a lot from the projects that didn’t do well. He talks about the translucent “movie skin” that movie stars tend to have, and he shares the story that led to his memoir’s title.
Hollywood storytime with super producer Ed Zwick
Ed Zwick and Elvis Mitchell at KCRW. Photo credit: Rebecca Mooney.
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- Ed Zwick - Academy Award winning filmmaker