Sergio Leone scholar Sir Christopher Frayling on two major milestones

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Sir Christopher Frayling at the Institut Lumiere - Lyon Photo credit: Sandrine THESILLAT / Panoramic.

Sir Christopher Frayling is one of the world’s most respected scholars on the work of Italian director Sergio Leone. He is currently calling attention to two major milestones for the renowned director’s body of work: The 40th anniversary of the release of Once Upon a Time in America and the 60th anniversary of Fistful of Dollars. Frayling laments to The Treatment about the fact that Leone still doesn’t get his due as one of the great Italian filmmakers. He talks about how Leone was a groundbreaker in both his use of Ennio Morricone’s music in his films and his overall use of sound in general. And he talks about how Leone and Morricone really felt about the term “Spaghetti Western.” And if this chat has your interest piqued, keep your eyes peeled for Frayling’s forthcoming book about Leone (due in November, 2024).




Rebecca Mooney