We take a look at some of the numbers from this television season -- it's no surprise that that ratings are down, but it's interesting to see which shows are losing viewers the fastest. Newer shows, even big ones, are having a tougher time holding on to an audience, while older shows seem to have stabilized.
Then we talk about a place where ratings are way, way up -- that would be any network broadcasting a GOP debate. In their combined years of covering television, no one on The Spin-off has ever seen anything quite like the media's reaction to Donald Trump. We discuss why that is, and when and if the networks ever have a responsibility to pull the cord on a public figure, even when they're doing wonders for the ratings.
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Sandra: The People vs. O.J. Simpson continues to be compelling, can't miss television, even if you know what's going to happen.
Joe: Samantha Bee is redefining TBS's comedy brand with her show Full Frontal. Joe's only complaint is that it's only on once a week.
Mike: Emmy season is upon us! Well, sort of. Networks are starting to campaign earlier than ever, and this year, thanks to some rule changes, there will likely be more digital shorts and series in the mix.