David Simon on ‘The Deuce’

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Writer-producer David Simon’s new HBO series The Deuce begins in early 1970’s Times Square, then a seamy part of New York that was to become the birthplace of the modern pornography industry.

As is usual for Simon’s series, the show explores the varied perspectives of the people involved in the creation of porn--prostitutes, pimps, cops, mob members, and the budding X-rated filmmakers--all along, following the money.

The title The Deuce could refer to a couple things--there’s a pair of twins--both played James Franco, and “the deuce” was also the nickname for Manhattan’s then-seedy 42nd street.

The series also stars Maggie Gyllenhaal as Candy, a prostitute who gets involved in early attempts to make porn movies, but wants to be behind the camera.

Before agreeing to play Candy, Gyllenhaal told Simon she also wanted to be a producer on the series, not just nominally but with the ability to have real creative input. Simon accepted right away, and consulted with other women as well.

When he joined us in the studio, Simon talked how he ended up doing a series about porn in the first place, and what The Deuce and The Wire have in common. He also explains what he thinks people didn’t understand about Treme, and why he believes more TV writers should begin their series knowing what they want the ending to be.




Kim Masters


Kaitlin Parker