Matt Belloni, executive editor of The Hollywood Reporter, joins Michael Schneider to discuss top entertainment news stories of the week.
- The feud between 93-year-old media mogul Sumner Redstone and Philippe Dauman is finally over, and Dauman looks to be on the way out as CEO of Viacom. He’ll leave the beleaguered media company with a hefty parachute, to the tune of upwards of $72 million.
- The Birth of a Nation, made Sundance history when it sold to Fox Searchlight for $17.5 million. Moving towards awards season, the film’s director and star Nate Parker is under scrutiny around the reemergence of an alleged rape that happened while he was in college. He was tried for rape and ultimately acquitted, but details of the case and news that the woman who brought the charges has since died by suicide may overshadow the release of the film itself, which was thought to have huge Oscar potential.