Hasan Minhaj is best known as a senior correspondent on The Daily Show, but recently the 31-year-old comedian has been branching out. In April he took on hosting duties for the White House Correspondents' Dinner -- the first one under the Trump administration and the first one in more than 30 years that was held without the president in attendance. (Ronald Reagan was the last one to miss it, but he'd been shot.)
Not long after Minhaj delivered a well-reviewed roast-in-absentia, his new special, Homecoming King, dropped on Netflix. In it, he tells the story of growing up as an Indian-American, Muslim kid in Davis, California. Homecoming King is not a straight-up comedy set but a blend of comedy and storytelling.
He tells us about the three-year-long process of crafting its complex structure -- a much different journey than he went on to write his speech for the White House Correspondents' dinner. For that one he only had three weeks!