The film “The Work” follows a group therapy program over several days which brings inmates from Folsom State Prison and non-inmates together to delve into their feelings and their pasts. One of the producers, Eon McLeary, and former inmate and therapy participant, Manuel Ruiz sit down with host Robert Scheer to discuss the film and the therapy program run by the Inside Circle Foundation. Ruiz, a former gang member who was incarcerated for 21 years, tells Scheer that for him the program helped break down the racial barriers inmates often live by within prison. Ruiz says while prisons used to be run primarily by gangs, in recent years, the power has shifted to the guards and their management of prisoners. And McLeary tells Scheer that while he personally, never served time in prison himself, the confrontation with humanity he saw while spending time with prisoners was a source of inspiration to make the film.
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