Oliver Burkeman and the art of imperfectionism

Produced and written by Andrea Brody

“My emerging philosophy of life, it's not going to have at its core the idea that a single technique or a single rule can somehow save me from the complicated and messy and sometimes very upsetting experience of being a human,” says Oliver Burkeman.

Journalist and author Oliver Burkeman discusses the complexities of happiness, well-being, and productivity — emphasizing the futility of seeking a single solution. 

Burkeman offers guidance on why we shouldn’t sacrifice the very essence of living in search of perfection and doing it all. Treasuring those simple moments in daily life, which doesn’t mean settling for less, Burkemans says, “is a precondition for a really full life.”

Oliver Burkeman pictured here says, “once you accept that defeat, in a sense, [is] the defeat of being a limited human — my argument is to convey that I don't think this is bad news at all. I think it's incredibly liberating, energizing, and empowering news. [It’s] not in the least a matter of settling for less, but in fact, the precondition for a really full life.” Photo credit: Nina Subin

“Meditations for Mortals;  Four Weeks to Embrace Your Limitations and Make Time for What Counts.”

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Andrea Brody