Is wisdom the key to successful old age?

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Despite increasing longevity, old age can present overwhelming challenges; the loss of mobility, cognitive decline, hearing and sight loss and increased dependence on others can result in pain and suffering as well as frustration and depression. Maintaining a positive attitude can be hard but research shows those who are able to exhibit the characteristics of wisdom, are better able to navigate the ravages of old age. 

Monika Ardelt, Associate Professor of Sociology and a Founding Faculty Member of the Advisory Committee of the Center for Spirituality and Health at the University of Florida, says being wise is the “ace in the hole” to finding meaning, contentment, and acceptance in later life. KCRW’s Jonathan Bastian talks with Ardelt about wisdom,growing old successfully, and how perspective, tolerance, faith, and empathy help us as we age. 

Sociologist Monika Ardelt says being wise is the “ace in the hole” to finding meaning, contentment, and acceptance in later life.  Photo by Michelle Kaul Ardelt.



  • Monika Ardelt - Associate Professor, Sociology at the University of Florida; founding Faculty Member, Advisory Committee of the Center for Spirituality and Health, University of Florida - @ArdeltM


Andrea Brody