Midweek Reset: Sleep

Hosted, produced and written by Jonathan Bastian and Andrea Brody

This week, Kenneth Miller, writer and author of Mapping the Dark; The Visionary Scientists Who Unlocked The Mysteries of Sleep, offers a practical approach for insomniacs. Instead of investing in expensive gadgets, technology, pillows or pharmaceuticals, which can have the side effect of making us even more anxious, examine the root of your sleep problem. The key to getting a good night's rest may lie in a  simple and cost effective solution - like regular sleep habits, exercise or reducing caffeine.

Kenneth Miller.  Photo by Lexie Scott 

This episode of Life Examined with Kenneth Miller was originally broadcast March 24th, 2024 



  • Kenneth Miller - writer and author of “Mapping the Dark; The Visionary Scientists Who Unlocked The Mysteries of Sleep”


Andrea Brody