Why more people are quitting their jobs than ever

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The data surrounding workplace burnout is alarming. We’re working on average 30% more than we did pre-pandemic. Globally, between 40 to 45% of employees are not just planning to leave their jobs, but switch careers entirely, making the great resignation a growing trend in 2021 and a bottom line issue for employers. Pay used to be the number one reason to leave a job, but criteria are shifting: Employees are now evaluating how they’re treated during the pandemic, and whether their employer cares about their mental health. 

So how do you know if you’re burned out? What are the signs? Jonathan Bastian talks with Sebastian Cruz, a 20-something who lives on the East Coast. After graduating college, Cruz landed a dream job in financial services. The pay was great, but the hours were grueling. After two years of working 80 hour weeks, he knew something had to give. 

Sebastian Cruz changed careers after his 80-hour work week in financial service led to burnout. Photo courtesy of Sebastian Cruz




Andrea Brody