Laura Avery runs into Paul Shoemaker, former Chef de Cuisine at Providence restaurant. When he's at home he likes to roast chicken. He takes a 3-lb free-range chicken and trusses it with twine. First, he sautes it on all sides with olive oil in a Le Cruset (enamel) dutch oven on top of the stove. After a few minutes he puts the lid on the pot and puts it in a 375°F oven for 40 to 45 minutes. Thirty minutes before it's done he makes a glaze from honey and spicy Dijon mustard and rubs it all over the bird.
Alex Weiser of Weiser Family Farms has Bloomsdale Spinach, a curly-leafed spinach with no tanin that is very sweet. It's simply to cook these leaves, just wash well and saute in a pan with olive oil and garlic. The spinach will wilt and then it's ready to eat.
It's time to plant tomatoes. The blockbuster tomato seedling sale called Tomatomania is this weekend, Saturday, April 5 and Sunday, April 6 from 9am to 5pm. You can find nearly 300 different tomato seedling varieties. You'll also run into a large concentration of tomatomaniacs who can give you all kinds of advice for your specific needs. Tomatomania takes place at the Tapia Brothers Farm Stand in Encino. It's off the 101, heading south take the Balboa exit to get there. If you're heading north, take the Hayvenhurst Ave exit.
April 5 and April 6
9:00am - 5:00pm
Tapia Brothers Farm Stand
5251 Hayvenhurst Ave
Encino, CA 91436
Music break: Lagonda by Larry Elgart