Time for Lunch

Hosted by

Josh Virtel is the President of Slow Food USA.  Their "Time for Lunch" Campaign aims to get healthier food in school cafeterias.  Slow Food is sponsoring "Eat-In's," or potluck meals organized by communities across the country.  They are taking place on September 7. 

Sign Slow Food's petition and find an Eat-In near you.

Los Angeles area Eat-in's include:


Cesar Chavez Arboretum in Elysian Park

835 Academy Road, Los Angeles

Beginning at 11:30am

Organized by Jennie Cook

RSVPs and information by email to jennie@jenniecooks.com or by phone: 323.982.0052


Milagro Allegro Community Garden in Highland Park

115 South Avenue 56, Los Angeles

Beginning at 4:00pm

Organized by Emily Ventura

RSVPs and information by email to hpeatin@gmail.com or by phone: 323.442.3198



5617 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles

From 4:00pm until 7:00pm

Organized by Terry August

RSVPs and information by email to admin@fancifull.com or by phone: 323.466.7654


Spiraling Orchard Community ArtPark (downtown)

1246 West Court Street, Los Angeles

Beginning at 5:00pm

Organized by Nancy Zuniga

RSVPs and information by email to acla213@ gmail.com or by phone: 213.481.8013


Anderson Park in Redondo Beach

229 Ernest Avenue, Redondo Beach

Beginning at 4:00pm

Organized by Kelly Wolschon

RSVPs and information by email to kwolschon@rbusd.org or by phone: 310.370.9420


Culver City at Reyhan Persian Grill

11800 Jefferson Boulevard, Culver City

Beginning at 3:00pm

Organized by Frieda Hosseini

RSVPs and information by email to reyhanpersiangrill@gmail.com or by phone: 310.390.6800