Good Food Savory Soufflé, CA Drought Means Few Porcinis and Fewer Jobs Hosted by Evan Kleiman Feb. 08, 2014 Food & Drink Listen 1 hr MORE Prolific baker Greg Patent demystifies a cheese soufflé, Amelia Saltsman shares a cauliflower recipe and we hear how the drought is may affect California’s economy. Banner image by Kelly Gorham. From this Episode: Making Soufflé: It’s Easier Than You Think Greg Patent is the author of the blog The Baking Wizard and of several cookbooks with a focus on baking. His forthcoming book which is part of the French Cook series, is... 9 min The Ripple Effect of California’s Drought Glenda Humiston is the USDA’s Director of Rural Development in California. She gives us a snapshot of how these stubborn weather patterns will affect the economy in the... 6 min An Authentic Trattoria in Downtown LA Jonathan Gold is the Pulitzer Prize winning food writer for the Los Angeles Times. 5 min Market Report Amelia Saltsman is the author of The Santa Monica Farmers’ Market Cookbook . 7 min Credits Host: Evan Kleiman Producers: Gillian Ferguson, Laryl Garcia, Sarah Rogozen, Caroline Chamberlain