A guidebook to the great outdoors and the craft of brewing beer

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A hike along Whittier Hill may end with a visit to Brewjeria, a Pico Rivera brewery founded by avid home brewers. Photo by Johanna Flashman.

In her book Beer Hiking Southern California, Johanna Flashman maps out a variety of hikes. From paved, mile-long paths for strolling novices to longer stretches, the routes have one thing in common — a brewery isn't far from the end of the trail.

Flashman, who grew up hiking trails with her parents, recommends Escondido Falls off of Highway 1, with a dedicated parking lot and Malibu Brewing Company four miles from the trailhead. An under-the-radar, 7-mile hike through Towsley Canyon is etched between high rock walls with a flowing river and features bubbling tar pits. Finish the hike with a Surfing Hippo hazy IPA at Pocock Brewing Company in Santa Clarita. Flashman admits to revisiting a few of the breweries outside of a hike including Brewjeria in Pico Rivera and Chula Vista Brewery.

Escondido Falls off of Highway 1, with a dedicated parking lot and Malibu Brewing Company four miles from the trailhead. Photo by Johanna Flashman.

Towsley Canyon is etched between high rock walls with a flowing river and features bubbling tar pits. Photo by Johanna Flashman.

Mind your manners on those trails. The gold standard of hiking etiquette is, "Leave no trace," Flashman says. "Leave only footprints, take only photos," is still the ideal. Loud music and off-leash dogs are also big no-nos.

Johanna Flashman documents her passion for nature and beer in "Beer Hiking Southern California." Photo by Sarah Flashman.