A new cookbook highlights Indonesian snacking culture and the Dutch influence on the cuisine

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Sate ayam, chicken satay, is a popular street food in Indonesia and typically served with a sauce. Photo by Waterbury Publications Inc.

Los Angeles has worlds of Southeast Asian cuisines at our feet yet the food of Indonesia, that vast archipelago of islands, isn't as well represented. Could that be because it's a cuisine that shows itself best in homes? Mother and daughter Patricia Tanumihardja and Juliana Evari Suparman aim to entice us into the kitchen with their cookbook, Mortar and Pestle

Evan Kleiman: Let's talk a bit about the piece of equipment that is at the title of your book, the mortar and pestle. Juliana, can you describe your relationship to the mortar and pestle? What do you use it for? Do you remember your mom teaching you how to use it? Have you always had the same one over the years or do you have lots of different ones?

Juliana Evari Suparman: Yes, I remember that. You know, since I was young, my mother and my grandmother used to use that mortar and pestle for making ingredients, because last time, we didn't have an electric grinder or anything to make ingredients, you see.

And Pat, do you still use your mortar and pestle as a daily practice when you're making your home food? Or have you switched over to a blender? 

Patricia Tanumihardja: My mom actually gave me her mortar and pestle, the same mortar and pestle that she brought with her to the US but I don't have that anymore because I actually gave that away to the Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum. I did manage to get another kit, and I use it sometimes to make simple sambals or to grind my spices but for the most part, I do use the food processor because it's a lot easier. I tend to make my spice paste in bulk, and it involves a lot less hard work.

As I mentioned in the introduction, Indonesia is this amazing country that covers a huge territory, which, of course, means there's a rich culinary diversity. Can you give us an idea of the geography of the country and some of the culinary influences in different regions?

Patricia Tanumihardja: Indonesia is a string of islands. I think there are over 18,000 islands as part of the archipelago. I can't give it an exact number because the number keeps changing every day. You have five main islands, Kalimantan, which is the largest, Java, Sulawesi, Papua New Guinea, and did I miss any? Sumatra is the second largest. 

All these different islands are situated in different parts of the Indian Ocean, so there were traders who came to trade with different islands. 

You had the Middle Eastern traders. You had the Chinese for Java. There were quite a few Chinese people who migrated, so there's a huge Chinese influence in the dishes in Java, whereas in Sumatra, rendang is a very popular dish. It originates with the Minangkabau people. That dish is actually an adaptation of an Indian curry because they had a lot of Indian traders who stopped by on that island. The Minang people took the Indian curry and made it their own by adding local spices and herbs and adding coconut milk and also cooking it till it was caramelized and dry, unlike Indian curries, which tend to be saucy. They just adapted all these different culinary influences, using local ingredients, local techniques, and also adapting to local palates and tastes.

Croquettes, which started as an elite snack that only the colonists consumed, are now an everyday food that can be made using leftovers. Photo by Waterbury Publications Inc.

Where is your mother from and what is her palate?

Patricia Tanumihardja: My mom was born in Bekasi, just outside of Jakarta, which is the capital on the island of Java. Jakarta has a very typical Betawi cuisine, and Javanese people tend to have a very sweet tooth. I'm sure you would have noticed, throughout the book and in some of the recipes, I always have a caveat, "Julia has a very sweet tooth," so temper the amount of sugar that you use in the recipes.

Can you describe kecap manis, what it brings to the table, and a particular dish that you could think of that really shows it off?

Patricia Tanumihardja: So kecap manis literally means an Indonesian sweet sauce, and it's actually a local adaptation of Chinese soy sauce. It's made in a similar way to soy sauce. It's fermented then local palm sugar is added to it to make it sweet. It has a sweet and savory flavor with hints of caramel and molasses as well. It's a very dark, thick sauce. Whereas Chinese soy sauce tends to be very thin and runny. Mom, what would you say is a very typical Indonesian dish that uses kecap manis?

Juliana Evari Suparman: Mostly like semur. You know, the beef semur, we use a lot of kecap manis.

Patricia Tanumihardja: Satay also uses, like all the popular dishes, kecap manis as the base. Semur, the dish that my mom mentioned, is kind of like a beef stew. It's a little bit more watery than a Western beef stew. I guess it's the Indonesian version of a Dutch beef stew that is flavored mostly with kecap manis, and you can put some herbs and spices in there as well. 

Patricia Tanumihardja (right) grew up in Singapore, where she learned to cook at the side of her mother, Julia. Photo by Waterbury Publications Inc.

What does an Indonesian dinner table look like? Are there many dishes or is there a main one with sides? You call this style of eating, "eat in the middle." Can you describe the dishes that might make an appearance?

Patricia Tanumihardja: When we have a mea, there are various different ways to compose an Indonesian meal. Makan tengah, which is eating in the middle, would comprise, usually, a basket or a bowl of rice that is passed around the table, and everybody will scoop however much they want onto their plate. Then, in the middle of the table, we usually have a variety of dishes. Usually there's one protein. It could be a meat dish, like rendang, or it could be a chicken dish, like ayam goreng, which is fried chicken or fish, or even just tofu or tempeh. 

Then, there would usually be a side dish of vegetables. It could be kangkung, fried kangkung is Morning Glory. Or we could have lalapan. Lalapan is actually just raw vegetables that is dipped into sambal. That's the simplest vegetable dish that you could have on an Indonesian dinner table, but we can also have just one dish, meals like laksa. This already has carbs in it, like a noodle or a rice, and then there is soup poured over it, and then with some meat and vegetables or tofu.

It all sounds so good. Let's talk about snacks. You open the book with a snack section and you say that Indonesians have a notable snacking culture. I just love the recipe for the sweet and spicy potatoes. Describe them to us. They just sound so simple to throw together. 

Patricia Tanumihardja: I think that's probably the simplest recipe in the book. The traditional version actually uses cassava chips as opposed to potato chips, but they're a bit hard to find here, and the chips are coated in a sweet and spicy shellacking of sauce. When my parents moved here, this is a snack that my dad really missed. My mom's friend actually came up with a way to make it using potato chips. You just buy store-bought potato chips, and it's a mix of sambal oelek, some vinegar and some sugar. Make that into a sauce. Then you just dump the whole bag of potato chips inside your pan and mix it all together, wait for it to cool, and you can start eating right away. You can also store it for a couple of days but in my experience, it doesn't last a couple of days because once you start eating, you can't stop. 

"Mortar and Pestle" delivers classic Indonesian recipes into the hands of home cooks, showcasing the cuisine's complex flavors and Dutch influence. Photo courtesy of Weldon Owen.

Could you pick another favorite dish that shows off its Dutch origins?

Patricia Tanumihardja: One of my favorite snacks, we call them jajanan pasar, which means market buys, literally in Indonesian. So one of my favorite jajanan pasar  is croquette cantang, which is potato croquettes. It's basically an adaptation of the Dutch croquette. It's made with potatoes, and it has meat and vegetables, and it's coated in breadcrumbs. It's these round balls that are coated in breadcrumbs then deep fried and eaten with peanut sauce. That is one of my favorite snacks ever. I can still remember when my mom would make them. As soon as they're out of the frying pan, I'd be popping it into my mouth. It was that good. I couldn't wait.