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Jonathan Gold’s Weekly Restaurant Recommendation: Bamboodles

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@ Bamboodles

Every week on Good Food, Jonathan Gold joins Evan Kleiman with a restaurant suggestion.  This week, he takes us out to San Gabriel (surprise!) for Chinese-style noodles.  The restaurant is called Bamboodles where the noodle-making takes place behind a glass wall for all to see.

535 W. Valley Blvd.
San Gabriel
(626) 281-1226

All of Jonathan’s restaurant suggestions are on the Good Food Restaurant Map.  And, sign up for a weekly text message, sent Friday afternoons, with Jonathan’s restaurant suggestion.  Text the word’s “Good Food” to the number 69866.  Respond to the text and you’ll get a list of recommended dishes.

If you’ve been to Bamboodles, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Post them below.