Market Report: Summer corn has us all ears

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Carranza Family Farms grows corn as part of a collective in Camarillo. Photo by Tony Carranza.

What's in season at the farmers market this week: 

  • Purslane 
  • Shishito peppers 
  • Green beans

Corn hitting market stalls means summer is in full force. Pastry chef Sam Robinson discusses the sweeter side of the vegetable. At All Day Baby in Silver Lake, he is baking sweet corn cakes that are served with a preserve made with peaches from Regier Family Farms. Blending the kernels of sweet corn with corn meal, Robinson adds sour cream and eggs to make the batter. In the past, cobs were reserved to make ice cream. The restaurant switches up their brioche buns. The current iteration, inspired by Korean cheesy corn, is filled with melted cheese, corn, and spices.

Tony Carranza grows as part of the collective at McGrath Family Farms in Camarillo, where he harvests several types of baby corn, which can be enjoyed raw and are perfect for pickling.