Good Food Food on the Screen: New Orleans and the Central Valley Hosted by Evan Kleiman Jun. 04, 2016 Food & Drink Listen 58 min MORE Photo from the documentary film Lupe under the Sun From this Episode: Here's how to write you, dear audience, into a New Orleans kitchen Lolis Eric Elie is, as he puts it, a food writer from New Orleans who fell into television writing. 15 min Documenting the lives of peach pickers in the Central Valley It's not so unusual to watch food being prepared and eaten on-screen. But what about everything behind-the scenes involved in getting our food to the table? The new film... 8 min Salmon, 45 ways Salmon is one of the most popular fish in North America and it is back in season now. As with any fish in demand, there are concerns about sustainability and supply. 12 min An apricot love affair Sometimes a fruit simply should not be missed. That's the case with the Golden Sweet, an apricot variety that's tantalizingly sweet and tart at the same time. You can find... 6 min Here's the deal with tonkatsu, as per Jonathan Gold I know we've been talking a lot about pork chops on the show lately, but here's another chop to try, this time of the Viennese-Japanese persuasion. Tonkatsu is a fillet or... 7 min Black Chefs, White House Some kitchen stories are complicated — full of mystery and missing pieces — the truth hidden by time. No photographs to capture them, little historical record to go on. "... 7 min Credits Host: Evan Kleiman Producers: Laryl Garcia, Abbie Fentress Swanson, Camellia Tse, Joseph Stone