A new week, a new way to show off your skills in the kitchen. Good Food is teaming up with OC Weekly for our first ever Hot Sauce/Salsa contest.
Make your sauce any way you like – spicy, fruity, tame, shiver-inducing – but make it interesting. You’ll compete in one of two categories: Amateurs or Pros, the latter for people competing from a restaurant or a company.
Concoctions will be judged at the OC Weekly offices on September 28 at 10 a.m. in Costa Mesa. Winners will be announced at the Patchwork Edible festival Evan is hosting at the OCO Collection October 5-6.
To sign up for the contest, email the OC Weekly’s Gustavo Arellano at garellano [at] ocweekly [dot] com by September 25 with your name, address, phone number, email and whether you’re entering as a professional or an amateur.
More details here.
Photo: Jody Richards on Flickr