Good Food Curtis Stone, true crime in food, and gopchang Hosted by Evan Kleiman Feb. 10, 2018 Food & Drink Listen 57 min MORE Grilling up gopchang and vegetables in Koreatown. (By Jacklyn Kim) From this Episode: Spending the season in Rioja Mahogany clams at Maude in Beverly Hills. 10 min 'ROTTEN' A new Netflix series investigates the unsightly realities of the food industry. ‘ Rotten ’ explores stories of greed, sabotage and unsavory food production across the... 10 min Gopchang in Los Angeles Grilling up gopchang and vegetables in Koreatown. 6 min Eating chocolate with your ears Just in time for Valentine’s Day, a new chocolate tasting experience. 7 min Bánh chưng The Vietnamese New Year kicks off on February 16. For Diep Tran, chef and owner of Good Girl Dinette in Highland Park, Tết celebrations are not complete without a batch of... 7 min Market Report: A shroom with a view Lion’s Mane mushroom at the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market. (By Joseph Stone) Laura Avery gets the scoop on mushrooms with the help of Katy Smith , chef at Puesto, and... 10 min It's getting hot in here... A delicious noodle-pull. (By Rosalie Atkinson) Jonathan Gold reviews the fiendishly spicy tantanmen at Killer Noodle on Sawtelle. Killer Noodle: 2030 Sawtelle... 5 min Credits Host: Evan Kleiman Producers: Nick Liao, Rosalie Atkinson, Joseph Stone, Laryl Garcia