Mozza chef and La Brea Bakery founder, Nancy Silverton, takes the mystery out of gourmet cooking at home. Her new book, A Twist of the Wrist: Quick Flavorful Meals with Ingredients from Jars, Cans, Bags, and Boxes, offers alternatives for fast and mouth-watering meals:
Jars"Personalizing" Best Foods Mayonnaise: Nancy adds fresh grated garlic, extra virgin olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon to Best Food Mayonnaise, or sometimes pureed chipotle peppers with fresh cilantro and lime.
Chicken salad recipe: The chipotle pepper mayonnaise gets added to shredded pre-roasted chicken. Then it's mixed and put on top of living watercress with tiny baby avocado from the farmer's market, sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil on top.
Progresso Lentil Soup is the brand’s only soup that does not contain MSG. Use it as a base for several fish dishes.
Imagine brand soup, particularly the Roasted Tomato and Red Pepper and Corn Soup.
Corn soup recipe: Imagine brand corn soup box, croutons, pre-cooked apple smoked bacon and cheddar and chives on top.
Music Break -- Invito a Cena -- Gianni Mazza