RSVP to a night of Indian cooking and Bollywood films

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In his book “ Bollywood Kitchen ,” Sri Rao tells the story of his family immigrating to suburban Pennsylvania, their assimilation, and the role that Bollywood films played in his life, tying him back to home. A new stage version of the book is part of the Geffen Playhouse series , which includes a cookalong with Sri as he weaves his story around chicken curry and basmati rice. 

Sri Rao adapted his book, “Bollywood Kitchen,” to the stage for a cookalong event and virtual show at the Geffen Playhouse, running through March 6.
  Photo by Kyle Rosenberg.
Sri Rao guides readers through Indian cuisine and film in his book, “Bollywood Kitchen.” Photo courtesy of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.



Evan Kleiman