LA Biking Gets Momentum

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Geoff Mc Fetridge bike posterCiclovias, or days where streets are closed to cars, began as popular events in Bogota, Colombia and have spread to European and American cities, like New York's Summer Streets. Now LA is enjoying its first ciclovia, aptly-named CicLAvia, on 10/10/10. CicLAvia board member Amanda Bromberg says the event is an important one for the city.

CicLAvia has full support from one very influential local cyclist. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa says he's working with activists like the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition to craft the Los Angeles Bike Plan, which proposes hundreds of miles of bike lanes, bike paths, and "bike friendly" streets. Then, Art Center College of Design Transportation Chair Stewart Reed discusses biomorphic bikes, including the Felt AR series of high-performance road bike, which could help commuters mount the unique challenges of urban cycling in LA.

Finally, Frances looks at the month's calendar of design and architectural events, including Santa Monica's  massive art party, GLOW. Santa Monica's cultural affairs manager Jessica Cusick talks about what's planned for GLOW this weekend.

Image: Geoff McFetridge's poster reminds drivers to give bikers three feet of margin

