Jaimy Gordon is a recently-discovered American novelist with an original voice and vision. Her National Book Award-winning novel, Lord of Misrule (McPherson), is set at Indian Mound Downs, a rinky-dink racetrack in Wheeling, West Virginia, a place where "scarred and lonely dreamers in the American grain" dream of better luck someday. The novel invents a language that is poetic and purely American. Gordon's sense of the charm of the down-and-out life makes us fall in love with a country we've all but given up on.
Read an excerpt from Lord of Misrule.
Jaimy Gordon's book recommendations:
Rot by Janet Kauffman
Compression Scars by Kellie Wells
The Leper Compound by Paula Nangle
The End by Salvatore Scibona
Hermine: An Animal Life by Maria Beig
Hell by Kathryn Davis
The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf by Kathryn Davis