Many artists think they are making magic with their art but Lazaros, now going by the name of L., actually is a practicing witch. His exhibition at Emma Gray’s Five Car Garage is titled 999777555333111222444666888. Numerology is essential and this show is the inauguration of his work with a collaborative of like-minded practicioners, including Naomi Larbi and Grace McGrade, calling themselves A.S.T.R.A.L.O.R.A.C.L.E.S.
In the past, L. has used large glass bottles filled with various objects in clear mineral oil to cast spells for desires like prosperity, romance or health. This show takes that idea to another level.
Using his vast knowledge of magic to create an environment that is optimally suited to transcendent experiences, he has painted one wall of the gallery in bands of prismatic color that correspond to frequencies on the astral plane. There are small colored mirrors on each band as well as large mirrors at opposite ends of the gallery. In the center of the space is an arrangement of colored stars on the floor surrounded by a circle of six Sparkletts-sized glass bottles filled with colored mineral oil, crystal balls and silver coils.
Detail of "777-111 Frequency Conductor", Frequency Aligned Anodized Aluminum, Mirror, 2018. From exhibition "L + A.S.T.R.A.L.O.R.A.C.L.E.S = ∞
By appointment, a visitor can sit at the edge of the circle and enjoy a guided meditation. L. or Naomi Larbi are on hand throughout the show to aid with that or with healing and clairvoyance. The artist conceptualizes it as a method of sensory access to the cosmic realms.
A number of people have volunteered their services for this project. One collaborator is Grace McGrade, an astrologer who does readings and performs hands free Reiki. Another is Michael Thibault who designed the sonic component, a humming electronic music that escalates periodically. Special perfume balms have been made by Christopher Gordon of Maison Anonyme to accentuate the ten frequencies. They sit in little colored cylinders so visitors can add a odoriforous element. Paige Emery designed seven special teas to be served in clear glass cups.
Detail of "∞
The artist has presented his alchemical art at Coachella but this show is his most elaborate. A.S.T.R.A.L.O.R.A.C.L.E.S. will offer a smaller version of their magic at the alternative art fair Felix in the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel over Valentine’s Day weekend. The show at Five Car Garage continues through February. For more, tune in at
Is such cosmic connecting a thing? During that long weekend of Feb. 14 to 17, artist Lisa Anne Auerbach will be acting as a “psychic art advisor” at the Frieze art fair. (An exhibition of her better known work will be at Gavlak Gallery from Feb. 9.) For a futuristic sonic fix tomorrow night, you might visit Liminal, the “sound bath” created by Jónsi (of Sigur Rós), Alex Somers, and Paul Corley at the Natural History Museum.
Liminal Sound Bath: Jónsi (of Sigur Rós), Alex Somers, and Paul Corley, courtesy the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
The Night of Ideas presented with Cultural Services of the French Embassy brings together leaders in various disciplines for mini-talks on climate change, a vegan fashion show, French films and music around the entire museum between 6 p.m and midnight. Tickets are free and available on Friday, Feb. 1.
Lazaros, or L., and A.S.T.R.A.L.O.R.A.C.L.E.S.
Installation view of "L + A.S.T.R.A.L.O.R.A.C.L.E.S = ∞999777555333111000222444666888∞" at Five Car Garage, 2019. Photo courtesy of L.