The Amayyzzing Huell Howser pays KCRW a Visit

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By KCRW Membership Associate: Aurora Bie

No way! The California’s Gold host paying a visit to KCRW?!?  My! My! That’s neat.!

I can’t help but hear the man’s signature voice inside my head upon hearing the news. Why, it’s even echoing outside my head. . .oh, wait, those are actually a few staff mimicking his southern accent.

Is he here yet? Check the hallway. What time is it?

After so much anticipation, Huell Howser finally arrives. No microphone in his hand or a cameraman trailing him this time, he is only armed with a big smile and a handshake.

KCRW is doing an interview of him instead.  And (lucky) Eric J. Lawrence gets to shoot the breeze with him and ask him about his favorite songs.

After his Guest DJ Set pre-tape, it’s time to strike a pose with the man.  And not a group picture, mind you, but an individual snapshot.  Yes, ya heard me.  He took photos with each and everyone present.

It’s, like, wow! I can’t believe we just went crazy over a local TV show host. That afternoon spent with Huell Howser was just, well, to quote Huell Howser himself, simply a-ma-zing!

— Aurora Bie, Membership Dept.