UnFictional Friends in High Places Hosted by Bob Carlson Oct. 02, 2015 Arts Listen 29 min MORE This episode originally aired August 8, 2014. From this Episode: The Cady First...Harold Bell grew up in the projects of Washington, DC. He took a job as a golf caddy to earn a little extra money. Unexpectedly one day, he ended up caddying for... 11 min Elvis was a Shabbos Goy Then… The story of an orthodox Jewish family who lived above Elvis Presley’s family in a house in Memphis. They would often call on teenage Elvis to be their Shabbos Goy -... 6 min Places with High Friends Finally… As Margaret was on the last day of her delightful “Tulips of Holland” cruise, she was approached by a group of elderly ladies who had a request. They wanted to... 11 min Credits Host: Bob Carlson Producers: Bob Carlson, Nick White, Hans Anderson, Rob Sachs