KCRW Broadcast 162


Hello from beautiful Sydney, Australia. I am a few hours away from another show here. I have been finding some great records here that will find themselves in our upcoming shows over the summer. I think you’re going to like what we will be laying on you in the weeks and months upcoming!
In our first hour, we will be rocking some serious guitar heavy hitters. If you look down the list, it’s all heavy weight all the way through but you will notice something conceptual in the second part of our show.
Now, in tonight’s second hour, we have a very special record we will be playing for your in its entirety. A side project of our good pal J Mascis called Heavy Blanket will be releasing their first and perhaps only album on May 8. You can go here for more information: http://jmascis.com/
I asked the record company releasing the album, Outer Battery, so we could play it all the way through before its release. They were cool about it and so tonight, we debut this rockin; six track album!!! Here is the label’s address so you can get more information: http://www.outerbatteryrecords.com/
Here is a brief record company write up of the release information:
J Mascis rounds up a couple partners-in-crime from his adolescence with an eye – and ear – towards shredding harder, wailing louder, and generally melting faces even more brutally than ever before. With art from Savage Pencil, Heavy Blanket's debut release is available on CD, 1000 copies on white vinyl, and an extremely limited release of just 200 copies on purple vinyl!
So, Fanatic, you get to hear this one weeks before release. Pretty cool!
We will finish off the second hour with a great dinosaur Jr. track where J really pours it on.
Get ready to go back to the Stone Age and STAY FANATIC!!! 

E–mail address for me: Henryontheradio@gmail.com
Follow me on Twitter: @henryrollins
01. Jimi Hendrix - Peace in Mississippi / Voodoo Soup
02. Ramones - I Don't Care / Rocket to Russia
03. Marnie Stern - For Ash / Marnie Stern
04. Janis Joplin – Summertime / Joplin In Concert
05. The Stooges - Dirt / Fun House
06. Fushitsusha - Just A Piece Of / Withdrawe, This Sable Disclosure Ere Devot'd
07. Chrissy Zebby Tembo - Trouble Maker / My Ancestors
08. Sleep – Dragonaut / Sleep's Holy Mountain
09. Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats - Rocket 88 / Loud Fast & Out Of Control
10. Generation X - Too Personal / Generation X
11. The Ruts - Babylon's Burning / Punk Singles Collection
12. Heavy Blanket - Galloping Toward The Unknown / Heavy Blanket
13. Heavy Blanket - Spit in the Eye / Heavy Blanket
14. Heavy Blanket – Blockheads / Heavy Blanket
15. Heavy Blanket - Corpuscle Through Time / Heavy Blanket
16. Heavy Blanket - Dr Marten's Blues / Heavy Blanket
17. Heavy Blanket - No Telling No Trail / Heavy Blanket
18. Dinosaur Jr. – Alone / Hand It Over

