Let's do lunch! This week on Good Food, Lesley Bargar Suter and Evan Kleiman discuss the state of lunch in Los Angeles. A visit to an Australian bee sanctuary to taste Ligurian honey. Grace Young visits the Good Food studio with her wok to talk stir frying. Jonathan Gold takes us to a new hot dog kingdom here in Southern California. Free food is Mari Silva's passion. She describes where she ate for free on a recent trip to New York City. Pomologist David Karp tells us about the rare finger lime. Salt is a staple in most recipes. But how much is too much? Marion Nestle will discuss the perils of salt. Valerie Aikman-Smith shares some ideas on how to use gourmet sea salts. And Valerie Gordon of Valerie Confections shares her recipe for smoked tomato jam and onion marmalade, made farmers market ingredients.
Hot Dogs; Ligurian Honey; Let's Do Lunch; Salt
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